©2010 Jeff Morgan


Pic of the Week - Page 53

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Location: Stoke Gabriel, Devon, out behind an old garage (petrol station). This Fordson pickup truck had clearly been rusting away for some time!

This image was captured using a tripod-mounted Canon 5DmkII camera with a Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5 L II lens positioned quite low to the ground. I used Liveview and 10x magnification to manually focus on the front wheel, and lens shift was used to keep the truck upright. The camera was set to manual exposure mode, 30 seconds, f/22, ISO 100, and daylight white balance. I then ran around with a handheld electronic flash gun lighting the truck with multiple pops from all directions outside the field of view (about 15 pops). The RAW processing, editing and saving the image was all done in Photoshop CS/4.

I replaced the untidy background of parked cars and old tyres at the back of the garage which was very dark because of the electronic flash lighting. The sky I inserted instead is an HDRI captured in KimmeridgeBay, Dorset, just after sunset.

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