©2013 Jeff Morgan


Pic of the Week - Page 129

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Forth Rail Bridge

Location : Forth Rail Bridge, North Queensferry near Edinburgh, Scotland. We drove up north by car to shoot the bridge for a Photoplus Masterclass. It was a fun week with hardly any rain, even if it was a little cold. This image was shot from the beach in North Queensferry with me paddling up to the top of my welly boots and the tide half way up the tripod!

This image was captured at high tide and just about sunset using a tripod-mounted Canon 5DmkII camera with a Canon EF 16~35mm F/2.8L II lens set at 16mm. I used Liveview and 10x magnification to manually focus on the anchor. The camera was set to manual exposure, bulb mode at f/11, ISO 100 and daylight white balance. I used a ten-stop neutral density filter and held the shutter open for just over two minutes. The anchor was manually flashed with a Canon Speedlite 580EX II and given about 16 pops! The RAW processing and final adjustments were all done in Photoshop CS/5.

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