©2017 Jeff Morgan

Pic of the Week - Page 270

Sandown in the mist!

Image Location : a misty sunrise looking towards Sandown on the Isle of Wight.

On these misty mornings it is so much fun to just sit on the top of the downs with a long lens and see what you can find, as the view constantly changes. The scene is almost monochromatic - and to process the photograph you really need to be light-handed with the tools like Dehaze, Clarity, Contrast, saturation, black and white point. You do not want to make it a ‘full spectrum’ image but instead, mimic what you see in reality, with no real black or white in the image and just a hint of colour.

This image was captured just after sunrise. I was using a Panasonic Lumix GX8 with a Lumix DG 100-400mm F/4-6.3 lens set to 156mm (equivalent to 312mm on a full frame camera). The lens foot (+ camera) was on a monopod and I used ‘back button’ autofocus on any contrast I could find. The camera was set to Aperture priority f/8 giving a 1/3200th of a second exposure at ISO 200 with daylight white balance. This image has been cropped top and bottom but is full width. The RAW processing and final adjustments were all done in Photoshop CC.